Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love it...

Coral is a slightly new obsession of mine. I love the look, the color, texture (although a little painful). It just has a certain aesthetic appeal. Mother Nature really knows what she's doing sometimes!

This is an enamel coral pendant I created. I took the piece out of the kiln early to create a slightly bumby texture. You can view it on my website

Friday, December 4, 2009

If only I had more time...

Cloisonne is one of my favorite things to create, unfortunately there is 6 hours of tedious work that goes along with it. I love the process, it's so satisfying to see the progression of the piece, but I just don't have enough time! Here is one of my cloisonne creations! You may view it on my website

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stop Procrastinating!

So...I have officially moved in with my man & he has been kind enough to sacrifice the small finished off room in the basement as my studio. Half of the little area is full of my sh*t which I've blocked off with a sheet. About a quarter of it is filled with the king size mattress we're not sure what to do with. (We're trying to see if we can survive on my queen size bed because I have lots of cute sheet sets & it's more comfortable). Despite the surrounding items I have carved out a space for my jewelry. I love it! I don't have to clean up after every project...not that I do anyways, but that's not the point. It's mine! My very own studio!

Now I need to stop finding excuses & procrastinating & start making jewelry so I can put my college degree to work!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Almost there...

So here are some pics of the final flowers. They're my new obsession.

I start by cutting gazillions of small circles from fabric, then I singe each one all the way around with a candle so it won't fray. The fun part is the assembly, I just pick different combinations of colors and sizes, sew it all together, add a little bead, and attach it to my vehicle of choice.

These ones I created for Molly, less than 1 month till wedding day!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The messes I create in the name of Molly

Cutting circles, and circles, and circles. Even Kevin helped because I let him use the $36 pair of scissors. (his affection is conditional). These are only the apricot/more pink/slightly orange, but not really colors. Peridot & chocolate brown are currently being tackled.
did it work?

In the beginning...

that's all I really have on that subject.

Trying to get this "blog" thing figured out. Are people really going to read this? How do people keep up with it all?

Just getting ready for a little dinner party. We're having white girl enchiladas because Kara (twin) can't have anything spicy. I'm also working on Molly's (most adorable girl in the world) hair flowers for her wedding. Lots of circles being cut from fabric.

I want a Boston Terrier & I'm going to name him Dave.

Monday, July 27, 2009

am i done yet?